UK Branch Of Al-Azhar Welcomes Appointment Of New Egyptian Minister For Religious Endowment

President of WAAG UK & Principal of Jamia Al-Karam, Shaykh Muhammad Pirzada, congratulates Dr Abdul Fadeel al-Qawsi on new appointment

The United Kingdom Branch of the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG) based at Jamia Al-Karam in Retford, welcomes the news of the appointment in the Egyptian Cabinet of Dr Abdul Fadeel al-Qawsi as the Wazir al-Awqaf, Minister for Religious Endowment.

Dr Abdul Fadeel al-Qawsi is the Vice President of WAAG International based in Cairo and  visited the United Kingdom in official capacity in June 2011 on behalf of the Grand Imam Shaykh al-Azhar, Dr Ahmad al-Tayyeb, to formally inaugurate the UK Branch of WAAG and contact office of Al-Azhar at Jamia Al-Karam on 25 June 2011 and attend the international Gateway to Divine Mercy conference held in Manchester on 26 June 2011.

Following his appointment, the President of WAAG UK and Principal of Jamia Al-Karam, Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada, called Dr al-Qawsi to congratulate him on his appointment and forwarded the best wishes and hopes of WAAG UK. In return, Dr al-Qawsi acknowledged the positive work of WAAG UK and offered his words of prayers and well wishes.

The Vice President of WAAG UK, Bakhtyar H Pirzada al-Azhari stated, “The appointment of Dr Abdul Fadeel al-Qawsi in the Egyptian Ministerial Cabinet as the Minister for Religious Endowment mis a very positive and much welcomed development. Dr al-Qawsi is a figure of devotion to true service and is from amongst the senior scholars of Egypt embedded in the moderate spirit of the historic tradition of Al-Azhar. WAAG UK welcomes this selection and forwards its best wishes.”

Dr Abdul Fadeel al-Qawsi was appointed as the Minister for Religious Endowment in the cabinet reshuffle on Monday 18 July 2011 by the Prime Minister of Egypt, Dr Essam Sharaf.