WAAG UK President delivers keynote lecture at third annual Seerah event jointly organized with WAAG UK.
On Sunday 4th December 2016, the Warrington Islamic Association, with support from Jamia Al-Karam and the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG UK), held its annual Seerah (Prophetic Life) event for the local congregation. The event was titled ‘Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): The Paragon of Mercy’. The event was Warrington’s third annual event reflecting on the life, teachings and character traits of the holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The keynote lecture was delivered by World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates UK President Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada, and other talks on the subject were delivered by Ustadh Mohamed Abdalla (Imam at the Warrington Islamic Association), Imam Muhammad Irfan Chishti Al-Azahri MBE (founder of the Light of Islam Academy Rochdale), Allama Hafiz Muhammad Arshad al-Misbahi (khatib at the Warrington Islamic Association) and WAAG UK Vice-President Bakhtyar Pirzada al-Azhari.
Among those who attended were local Imams and scholars from the surrounding regions including Hafiz Muhammad Zahid Ali Khan, Hafiz Muhammad Ali and Imam Nazmul Hussain from the Oldham Islamic College. Seerah related books authored by the WAAG UK President Shaykh Pirzada were also available and on display at the event.