Shaykh al-Azhar visits Pope Tawadros with greetings on Christmas and the New Year

The Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyeb, Shaykh al-Azhar, accompanied by a senior delegation of scholars, including Shaykh Dr. Ali Jumu’ah, visited the headquarters of the Coptic Orthodox Church to extend greetings and well-wishes to Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

The Grand Imam expressed his hope that the new year would bring happiness, fraternity, and cohesion among all Egyptians, both Muslims and Christians. He emphasized the importance of turning to the Almighty in times of crisis, praying for the safety and stability of Egypt and the world.

He further noted that many of today’s wars stem from a deviation from religious morals, the spread of atheism, and a decline in faith in Allah. He attributed these issues to the rise of selfishness, arrogance, and the dominance of power and wealth over values and ethics.

For his part, Pope Tawadros II expressed his joy at the visit of the Grand Imam and Al-Azhar scholars, stating:
*”In the name of all priests, bishops, and fathers, we are pleased with your visit, which embodies fraternity, love, and goodwill.”*

He emphasized that such meetings serve as a message of reassurance, demonstrating the strong bond between Christians and Muslims in Egypt. He also expressed prayers for Egypt’s continued security and prosperity.