Murder of British MP Jo Cox and Orlando shootings condemned

Al-Azhar University issues condemnation of Orlando shooting and WAAG UK shocked and saddened by murder of British MP Jo Cox

The tragic death of the British Member of Parliament, Jo Cox, has saddened and shocked everyone in Britain and people around the world. Jo Cox MP had been in Parliament since 2015 and was a popular and well respected member appreciated by all parties and colleagues. Prior to her career in Parliament, she had been a humanitarian aid worker with experience of helping and giving aid to those suffering as vulnerable communities in many dangerous parts of the world. She has championed the cause of human rights and she was a courageous campaigner. Recently, she had spoken with heartfelt compassion about the plight of Syrian refugees and campaigned for the swift resolution of the Syrian conflict.

 In the early afternoon on Thursday 16 June 2016, as Jo Cox MP was meeting her constituents doing her duty to the community she loved and served, she was brutally attacked in the street, stabbed and shot. She died soon after due to her injuries. The UK Branch of the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG UK) shares in this pain of the nation and extends condolences to the family, friends and well-wishers of Jo Cox MP. Thoughts and prayers are with her husband, Brendan Cox, and her two young children. There is no place for hatred and violence in our society. This is a tragedy for the whole country.

 Only a few days earlier, on Sunday 12 June 2016, the horrific shootings in Orlando, Florida, occurred. Al-Azhar University in Cairo has strongly condemned the attack which resulted in the murder of over 50 people with more injured. Al-Azhar strongly stressed that such an attack is contrary to the teachings of all heavenly-revealed religions as well as all human customs and traditions. It further expressed concern and worry about this issue being exploited by politicians that may escalate violence against Islam and Muslims.