The 7th of Ramadan marks the Al-Azhar Day commemorating the 1084th anniversary of the founding of the historic Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, Egypt. It was in the year 361 AH that the call to prayer was made and since then, for over a millennium, the call has echoed uninterrupted over the passage of time. With a long history of knowledge, thought, culture and guidance, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif stands today as a beacon of light and inspiration, and a source of pride for the Muslim community globally. With a history of a thousand years, it has matured to its worthy station of being a towering minaret attracting scholars, students and researchers from all over the world, who benefit from its scholarly tradition and intellectual decorum.
Hosting the UK Branch of the World Organisation for Al-Azhar Graduates, the institution of Jamia Al-Karam joins in this celebration and pays tribute to this historic seat of Islamic learning and all the illustrious luminaries that have graced the Al-Azhar Mosque over the course of centuries. Words of congratulations and well-wishes are extended to the Grand Imam, Dr Ahmad al-Tayyeb Shaykh al-Azhar, and the Founder of Jamia Al-Karam and President of Al-Azhar Alumni UK, Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada.
In the prayerful words of the Grand Imam, Dr Ahmad al-Tayyeb Shaykh al-Azhar, it is supplicated: “O Allah! Protect Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, and increase it in preservation and honour, and bless its scholars and children (in knowledge).” Amin.
Bakhtyar Pirzada al-Azhari
Vice-President, Al-Azhar Alumni UK
Vice-Principal, Jamia Al-Karam