Representing WAAG UK, the Vice President delivers talk at conference in Nottingham city
On Monday 7 May 2012, KQZ Legacy Institute and the Radical Middle Way organised an event title Muhammad; Mercy to Mankind under the guidance of Shaykh al-Habib Ali al-Jifri. The event was held in the city of Nottingham and speakers included Shaykh al-Habib Ali al-Jifri, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Ninowy, Sufi Arshad Mahmood Naqshbandi, Shaykh Ahmad Sa’d and Imam Khalid Hussain. The Vice President of WAAG UK, Bakhtyar Pirzada al-Azhari was invited to the event.
Bakhtyar Pirzada al-Azhari welcomed the event being held in the county of Nottinghamshire and welcomed the presence of the scholars and shuyukh in this area. He forwarded the well wishes and pleasant greetings on behalf of the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates and its leadership.
In his talk, Bakhtyar Pirzada related the personality of the holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his capacity as a universal mercy to the history of the British region of Nottinghamshire. He provided details to the historic figure named Robin Hood who lived in the Sherwood Forest of Nottingham and who stole from the rich and gave to the poor and so has become a legend and an example of mercy. Bakhtyar Pirzada looked deeper into this and explained this was not mercy for it sowed the seeds of hatred between the people for the poor hated the rich and the rich hated the poor and their helper who stole from them.
As the audience was captured by the story, Bakhtyar Pirzada extensively highlighted the true nature of mercy ‘al-rahmah’ of Allah, His Messenger (peace be upon him) and the teachings of Islam. He explained the holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is not only a mercy to mankind, but he is a gifted mercy to all creation and worlds. He is the symbol of mercy and the true balanced and moderate teachings of Islam are an example of true mercy. Islam’s balance between the rich and the poor is a remedy for social ills and hatred. The prescribed teaching of Zakat (prescribed alms) is a ruling of mercy and the encouragement of the rich to give charity ‘sadaqah’ is mercy through compassion.
All the speakers spoke on the topic of mercy and delivered interesting lectures. The Vice President along with the other guests had lunch with Shaykh al-Habib Ali and at the conclusion of the event departed.