Author Archives: admin

Shaykh al-Azhar calls for Initiative to Promote ‘Mutual Understanding’ between Nations and People

UAE hosts two-day international ‘Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies’ with Grand Imam Dr Ahmad al-Tayyeb and Shaykh Bin Bayyah heading over 250 scholars and thinkers from around the world. The Grand Imam calls to open networks of communication between Islamic scholars and the decision-makers from amongst the politicians. The Grand Imam calls for […]

Al-Azhar Reiterates Prohibition of Depicting Prophets in Film

In view of the upcoming Hollywood epic ‘Noah’, Al-Azhar clarifies the religious position and calls on the Egyptian authorities to ban the screening of the film in the country. The issue concerning showing or depicting religious symbols in film, particularly the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, has once again hit the headlines around the world. […]

Grand Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad held in Birmingham

Birmingham’s Central Ghamkol Sharif Mosque hosts Grand Mawlid event, participated by the UK Branch of the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG UK). On Saturday 25 January 2014, a Grand Mawlid event was held at the Central Ghamkol Sharif Mosque of Birmingham (UK) to commemorate and honour the birth of the final Messenger, Prophet Muhammad […]

Ummah Channel Airs Dr Abdul Fadeel Al-Qawsi Speech on Islam and Peace

At the Gateway to Divine Mercy conference of 2011, the keynote speech by Dr Abdul Fadeel al-Qawsi on the topic of ‘Islam and Peace’ is shown on Ummah Channel TV. During the United Kingdom tour of the Vice-President of the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates, Shaykh Dr Abdul Fadeel al-Qawsi, in 2011, the United Kingdom […]

Shaykh AL-Azhar Delivers Strong Message on the Occasion of the Prophet’s Mawlid

Grand Imam Dr Ahmad al-Tayyeb Shaykh al-Azhar addresses the world of Islam and Muslims on the special occasion of the Birthday of the holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The United Kingdom Branch of the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG UK) joins with Al-Azhar University in wishing the Muslims well and forwarding greetings […]

Mandela – A Symbol Of Freedom And Equality

WAAG UK joins with Al-Azhar University in expressing condolence to the people of South Africa at the passing away of their iconic leader, Nelson Mandela. The United Kingdom Branch of the World Association for Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG UK) joined with the Central Office of WAAG in Cairo and Al-Azhar University in forwarding condolences and sympathy […]