New Article: The Rights of Musta’man “Protege” in Islam by Dr Ibrahim al-Hudhud

In its pursuit of clarifying misconceptions and challenging the misinterpretations presented by extremist narratives, the University of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif has released an article written by the former President of Al-Azhar University, Prof Dr Ibrahim al-Hudhud, on the topic of non-Muslim subjects within an Islamic state. With references to the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah, the article clarifies the historical concept and counters misinterpretations of key terms and understandings, whilst highlighting the rights afforded to subjects in classical law.

Read in English: The Rights of Mustaman Protege in Islam – Dr Ibrahim al-Hudhud

Read in Arabic: كتاب-حقوق-المستأمنين-في-الإسلام-للإخراج

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